Rose Condo Writer | Performer | Poet
Twenty years since moving from Canada to the UK, critically-acclaimed and multi-award-winning poet Rose Condo considers the features, facets and philosophies for determining a sense of belonging.
This collection explores community, identity, personal growth and societal wellbeing through compassion, sharp political observation and finely honed humour. It is a love letter to home, wherever you might find it.
“Beautifully written and deeply inspiring. Rose takes you on her journey;
a journey with elements that you too have walked or felt. A book of community,
of love and friendship.” Sharena Lee Satti
“The deft balance of touching sentiment and formal confidence
makes these poems stand tall and demand attention – but so does the verve,
the humour, the unbridled humanity of this work.” Kevin P. Gilday
“Transitions from charm, warmth and humour to quietly devastating
poignancy. Filled with wonderfully honest observations on the human experience,
this book belongs on every bookshelf.” Lisa O’Hare
Also available from Flapjack Press or from your favourite bookshops.